Diabetes is a chronic health condition that has a significant impact on quality of life and general wellbeing. It is one of the leading causes of death and disability in Nigeria, responsible for about 12% of all deaths in the country. The prevalence of diabetes is estimated at 3.9% among people aged 15-79 years. However, many cases go undiagnosed and untreated, which makes it difficult to estimate the actual prevalence rate.
Diabetes is a serious health problem in Nigeria. It occurs when the blood glucose levels are too high because either:
- your body doesn't produce enough insulin (insulin-dependent diabetes) or
- you don't respond properly to it (non-insulin-dependent diabetes).
Glucose is a form of sugar the body uses for energy. It comes from the food we eat, and from the liver. When you eat, the pancreas releases insulin to help your body use glucose as fuel. Insulin also regulates how much glucose is stored in fat and muscle tissue. The improper functioning of insulin can lead to serious medical conditions such as Heart disease, Stroke, and Kidney disease, which can result in kidney failure and dialysis treatment, Blindness.
Types of diabetes
Type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to attack and destroy pancreatic cells that produce insulin. This can happen at any age, even during pregnancy. People with type 1 don’t produce enough insulin to control their blood sugar levels and must take daily injections of insulin.
Type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is most often diagnosed in adults who are overweight or obese and have a family history of the condition (or if they are aging). In addition to genetics, other risk factors include diet, lack of exercise, and being sedentary. The goal of treatment is to lower high blood glucose levels through lifestyle changes like weight loss and increased physical activity along with medication or insulin therapy as needed
Causes of Diabetes
- Genetic factors
- Lifestyle factors
- Environmental factors
- Insulin resistance, or impaired insulin sensitivity, is a condition in which the body has trouble using insulin. Your body needs insulin to convert sugar into energy and transport it into cells for use. When you have diabetes and your body does not respond properly to insulin, glucose builds up in the blood instead of being used by your cells as fuel. This excess glucose can cause complications that lead to serious problems such as kidney disease, heart disease, and blindness if left untreated.
- Some people are born with conditions that make it more likely they will develop Type 2 diabetes later in life; others become susceptible because of their lifestyle choices (e.g., dieting tips).
- Pregnancy also causes changes in hormone levels that may result in gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), pre-diabetes, or Type 2
Caring for Diabetes
Diabetes is a lifelong condition. It is important to manage your diabetes effectively and safely, by eating well and exercising regularly. There are many ways to help manage your condition.
- You should have checkups with your doctor regularly. This will help them work out the best way for you to manage your diabetes, based on any changes in how you're feeling or whether there have been any blood sugar level changes since the last time you saw them. They may also want to do some blood tests if they think something might be wrong with how well their treatment plan is working or if other health problems come up that might need looking at through another method like biometrics (blood sugar levels).
- It's also really important that people understand what type of medication they are taking - both insulin injections and tablets - so they can make sure they take them properly in order not only stay healthy but avoid any unfortunate side effects such as possible allergic reactions due on being given too high doses which could make someone feel dizzy or faint."
- Dietary management is also a great way to manage diabetes. Being conscious of the type of meals they eat and the constituents of these meals will help manage their blood sugar and by extension their health.
Meal Plans for Diabetic Patients
A meal plan for diabetics can be a great way to control your blood glucose levels and make sure that you are getting the right amount of nutrients.
The best diet for managing diabetes is one that's healthy and balanced. While many people with diabetes must follow a special diet, you don't have to restrict yourself unnecessarily to manage your blood glucose levels. The best meal plans for diabetic patients are those that meet the following criteria:
- Individualized
- Because people have different food preferences and needs, it's important to offer a variety of options.
- Nutritious
- A diabetic diet should include a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats to satisfy your nutritional needs without overwhelming your body with excess sugar or fat.
- Variety-rich
- Carbohydrate-rich foods such as pasta and bread provide energy but can be difficult for your body to process if eaten in large quantities at one time—this is why it's important to add variety by including fresh fruits and vegetables into your meals every day!
- Low-fat/high fiber/high protein (optional)
- While this may not be necessary for some people depending on their current health status, most people will benefit from increasing their intake of these nutrients through whole-grain bread/pasta products like whole-wheat bread instead of white bread which contains no fiber while high protein foods such as lean meats like chicken breast help maintain muscle mass while reducing excess fat gain during periods where caloric intake exceeds expenditure levels such as exercise sessions performed outside normal daily activities."
- Choose complex carbohydrates rather than simple carbohydrates, such as those found in white bread or white rice. Complex carbs are digested more slowly than simple carbs, so they will not raise blood sugar levels as quickly and may even lower them slightly after eating them. Good sources of complex carbs include whole-grain bread and cereals; beans; fruits; vegetables; and whole grains such as brown rice or barley.
- Eat smaller portions of carbohydrate-rich foods like bread, pasta, and rice. Limit your intake of these foods to one serving per meal; otherwise, your blood sugar levels will rise too high.
- Eat plenty of protein-rich foods such as lean meat (chicken breast without skin), fish (tuna), eggs or tofu at least twice daily at each mealtime to help keep blood glucose levels stable between meals by providing steady energy rather than spikes.
Planning Your Meals
Dietary management of diabetes is a critical aspect of managing the condition. A good meal plan can help you manage your blood glucose levels and maintain a healthy weight. This meal plan is designed with the needs of someone with diabetes in mind, but it's also flexible enough to be useful for people who may not have diabetes but want to lower their carbohydrate intake to lose weight or improve their health
To manage diabetes and keep blood sugar levels under control, it's essential to monitor what you eat and how much of it you eat. A dietitian like the ones we have here at Qilo can help design an eating plan that includes foods that are low in fat, calories, and sodium; high in fiber; and contain whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. An exercise program also is important for maintaining good health with diabetes.
You will learn meal planning skills that can help you make informed choices about preparing meals so they're healthy for both yourself now and for long-term health benefits as well as provide practical guidelines based on proven research findings regarding meal planning among people with diabetes."
It can be difficult to stick with a meal plan if you don't like the food or if it feels like too much work. Here is a sample meal plan with recipes that can help make your life easier while also helping you maintain good blood sugar control.
If you're eating breakfast, eat fruit instead of cereal or toast. Fruit contains fiber and is low in calories, so it's a great way to start off the day without needing much insulin. Try some berries with plain yogurt or even just plain yogurt with granola sprinkled on top!
When eating lunch, try to take advantage of the time when most people are at work or school—this means no rush-hour traffic and also no distractions from other people around you. Take this opportunity to eat a healthy lunch that will keep you full until dinner time! This could include a salad made up entirely of leafy greens (lettuce and spinach), mixed nuts and seeds (walnuts), avocado slices, feta cheese cubes (if desired), and olive oil.
You should aim at eating fewer carbs in your meals especially your dinner if possible. Try replacing potatoes, rice, pasta, and other starchy foods with vegetables like carrots or broccoli instead. You could also choose whole grains like oats instead of refined grains like white bread or pasta noodles.
Carbohydrates and Blood Sugar
Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy. They include fruits, vegetables, grains, and milk products. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose which is the body's main source of energy. Glucose comes from two sources: carbohydrates in foods that you eat or stored in your liver and muscles as glycogen.
In general, there are two types of carbohydrates: simple (sugars) and complex (starches). Some examples of simple carbohydrates include table sugar (sucrose), honey, syrups made from cornstarch or other refined sweeteners such as dextrose and fructose; fruit juice concentrates; regular soft drinks; some breakfast cereals containing significant amounts of sugars added to enhance flavor; pancake syrups made from corn syrup solids; sweetened ketchup etcetera...
Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest than simple ones do so they tend not to give you an immediate rise in blood sugar levels – this makes them a better choice for diabetics who need to control their blood sugar levels closely
Protein and Blood Sugar
Protein is an important part of a healthy diet, as it provides essential amino acids that help build and maintain muscle tissue. Protein can also help you feel full and lose weight, which can make it easier to follow your meal plan for diabetes.
Many people assume that eating foods high in protein will raise blood sugar levels because protein breaks down into glucose (blood sugar). However, research has shown that eating moderate amounts of lean meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products do not raise blood sugars significantly. This means there are plenty of delicious options for people with diabetes who eat at least 20 grams of protein at each meal.
Fats are an essential part of a healthy diet and serve several important functions. Fats can be used as a source of energy, help transport fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), lubricate joints, and make hormones. They’re also necessary for normal growth and development in children. But fats should be consumed in moderation—too much may lead to weight gain and increase your risk for heart disease.
Fats are found in many foods including oils (olive oil) nuts/seeds avocado etc., fish & seafood, and poultry products like chicken thighs or thighs).
You must have heard about low carb diet plan for Diabetes Control but this type of food does not give you all the nutrients required to maintain a good healthy body so here we will tell you about some healthy foods that can reduce your blood sugar level naturally without harming any organs or tissues inside us:
Alcohol and Blood Sugar

Alcohol consumption is a source of concern for many people with diabetes, especially type 2 and prediabetes. Alcohol can lead to weight gain, which in turn can increase your risk of developing diabetes complications. Alcohol also increases blood sugar levels because it contains carbohydrates and calories but has no nutritional value. This means that alcohol may elevate blood glucose more than other foods that contain the same amount of carbohydrates (such as a slice of bread or a glass of juice).
To prevent unintended elevations in blood sugar levels due to alcohol consumption, you may need to adjust your meal plan when drinking wine or beer at meals or social events.
Sugary Drinks and Blood Sugar
Sugary drinks can be a major cause of blood sugar spikes. They are high in calories and provide little nutritional value. Sugary drinks also don't satisfy hunger, which can lead to overeating later on.
If you're having trouble cutting out sugary drinks, try one or more of the following tips:
- Substitute water for those juices and sodas that you usually drink.
- If you must have something sweet, try drinking more fruit-based smoothies instead of soda or juice.
- Limit your intake of sports drinks; they contain large amounts of added sugar and calories as well as empty nutrients (such as potassium).
Diet Drinks, Blood Sugar, and Weight Gain
Diet drinks, which contain artificial sweeteners, may not be as good for you as you think. According to a new study published in the journal Diabetes Care, regularly consuming diet drinks is associated with weight gain and an increased risk of Type 2 diabetes.
Researchers found that those who consumed at least one artificially sweetened drink a day had a 66 percent greater increase in waist circumference than those who consumed them less than once per week. They also had a 75 percent higher increase in abdominal fat compared to non-consumers. Those who drank two or more diet beverages per day also had 17 percent higher fasting glucose levels and 25 percent higher insulin levels after adjusting for risk factors such as body mass index (BMI), age, sex, and ethnicity.
In addition, while many believe they're helping themselves by cutting calories with these drinks, this isn't always true—some studies have shown that consumption of artificial sweeteners can actually lead to weight gain because it causes an increase in hunger hormones (such as ghrelin) and desensitizes humans' taste buds so they don't respond as strongly when eating sugary foods later on. This makes it easier for someone who consumes these products regularly to overeat because they aren't getting enough signals from the brain telling them when their body has had enough food!"
Diabetes and Overweight
You may be wondering if your weight is a risk factor for diabetes. The simple answer is yes—obesity is a major risk factor for diabetes and it's important to keep your weight under control.
In fact, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimates that obesity accounts for about 30% of all cases of diabetes worldwide. This means that there are many people with type 2 diabetes who can't control their blood sugar because they're overweight or obese. In addition, being overweight increases your risk of developing other health problems including heart disease and some types of cancer.
Good Weight Control is Key to Managing Diabetes
Diabetes is a chronic disease that can be managed with diet and exercise. It's important to understand the impact of diabetes on your overall health because if you don't manage it properly, diabetes will likely lead to serious health problems like blindness or kidney failure. If you have diabetes, medication may be a part of your treatment plan. While medication can help prevent complications in people with type 2 diabetes, it isn't always necessary for everyone with type 1 diabetes who has been diagnosed at an early age (less than 20 years old) and is still growing.
The goal for all people living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes should be good weight control as well as healthy eating habits and regular physical activity.
With a proper diabetes diet and good physical activity, you can live a healthy life. Diabetes management will be easier when you know how to plan your meal and how to choose the best food for your blood sugar level, so always keep in mind that you have the power to control it.